Table Talk Questions from Sermon Series

Continue the conversation after each sermon with friends and/or families

Sermon Series: Olympic Faith

August 25, 2024
Olympic Faith Week 1: Running the Race
I Corinthians 9:24-25
Rev. Dr. Raigan Miskelly

1. What is your favorite event in the Olympics?
2. What does it mean to “run in such a way that you may win” in your own life? How can you strive to run our spiritual race more effectively?
3. The passage emphasizes the self-control of athletes. In what areas of your life do you find it challenging to exercise self-control? How can faith help you in this area?
4.  How can being part of a community or small group help you to “run the race” better? In what ways can you support and encourage others in their faith journeys?
5.  What practical steps can you take this week to improve your “running” in your spiritual life? Are there habits or changes you feel called to pursue?

September 1, 2024
Olympic Faith Week. 2: Training to Compete
2 Peter 1:5-8
Rev. Dr. Raigan Miskelly

1.  When in your life did you train for something?
2. What was involved in your training? What did your training require of you?
3. How did you grow through the process?
4. How have you experienced growth in your faith and sanctification over the years? Can you share specific examples of areas where you’ve seen God at work in your life?
5. What daily practices or training habits do you find helpful in fostering your faith? Are there specific disciplines (like prayer, Bible study, or community service) that you prioritize?
September 8, 2024
Hebrews 10:24-25
Olympic Faith Week 3: The Power of Team
Rev. Dr. Raigan Miskelly

1. What is your favorite team sport?
2. What characteristics or qualities are necessary for a successful team?
3. Can you share a time when meeting with others encouraged your faith?
4. Who comes alongside you to encourage and challenge you spiritually? Who is on your team?
5. What are some ways that you can support, encourage, comfort, and cheer on others this week?
6. How are you using your God given gifts, in partnership with other believers, to honor and glorify God?
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