Sermon Follow Up Questions July 14 - Rev. Katie Giedd

Follow Up Questions from Pastor Katie - July 14th

Hey there Galloway!

It’s Katie. You didn’t think I would ask you questions without giving any of my own personal answers, did you?!

Here are a couple of my thoughts surrounding Sunday morning’s message.

What place in your life has been the most meaningful in your
development as a person? Or do you have multiple places?

Parkway Heights is a space that touched me in ways that I expounded upon in my sermon on Sunday but also in ways that I haven’t even mentioned. It taught me what authentic accountability in relationships look like, and how we need people to hold us accountable in our faith. Another space that has been meaningful to my development is Asbury Theological Seminary. I spent four years in Wilmore, KY and Asbury absolutely changed my life. It unearthed a passion for hospitality and event planning. It also created in me a deeper awareness of what true healthy relationships look like.

Think back to when you were a child or student, or even a young adult. Who were the people who poured into you? Now, on the flipside, think about the youth people you’re pouring into now. If you aren’t pouring into someone, how might you begin to do so?

I think that every person, no matter their age, should be walking with three people. One person who is pouring into you, one person that is on a similar path as you, and one person who you are pouring into. My advice would be to think about three people you would like to be in relationship with and start cultivating those relationships. Get involved in youth or kids’ ministry and pour into someone who is coming up behind you. If you’re in youth, volunteer in kids’ ministry. Find three people who fit those categories and begin discipling and being discipled.
I have had many people pour into me, but my high school covenant group leaders, Terri Mayo and Blair Croom, stick out in my mind. These women were role models to me in my faith, and I am so grateful for their patience and grace.

Humility, sincerity and trust are gifts from the Lord.
But sometimes being humble, sincere or trusting can be difficult.   Which one of these characteristics do you find
to be the most difficult to live into? How might you
actively lean into this  characteristic this week? Pray
that God would give you an opportunity to show humility,
to act with sincerity or trust in God this week.

Trust is a characteristic I am always praying that God would develop in me. I tend to tell people, “I trust God…but sometimes I don’t always trust the people who follow God.” In reality, part of trusting God is trusting His children, our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. This week, I pray that you find some time to reflect about which characteristic you seem to struggle with. Invite Jesus in to show you how you might lay down that struggle at the Cross and ask God to help you move past it.

Galloway UMC is a church where peoples’ lives are changed. Just as you need them, our kids and youth ministries’ need you – our students NEED you. Pray about how God wants you to get plugged in. Not only that, but how might you invite a young person to step into a leadership role at Galloway this semester?

I am a firm believer that every single member of a church should play a role in the discipleship of kids and students.  Every single member. That is done by a variety of ways of course. But get involved in some way, shape or form. Here are some ways you can get involved in youth ministry:

  • Bring donuts on Sunday morning for youth Sunday school
  • Host a bible study one Sunday night (provide the meal or open up your home – or both!)
  • Offer to chaperone a trip or retreat (going to be a big need in the coming years!)
  • Serve supper one night to our students
  • …and more!
There are plenty of ways to get involved. If you have no idea where to start, feel free to reach out. We can chat and find a space for you within family ministries where your gifts and graces are not only welcomed, but also NEEDED.

Alright my dear Galloway friends and family, I will see you all on Sunday morning as our new senior pastor, the Rev. Dr. Raigan Miskelly takes to the pulpit for the first time at Galloway!


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