
Pastors & Staff

Rev. Dr. Raigan Miskelly

Senior Pastor

Rev.  Brandon Halford

Associate Pastor and Minister to Families

Rev. Lori Galambos Till

Pastor to Church & Society

Rev. Katie  Giedd

Pastor of Student Ministries

Rev. Erin Hicks

Interim Children's Ministry Director
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Susie Herring

Admin Assist to Sr. Pastor and Worship Arts 

Dr. John Howard

Director of Music & Worship Arts

Dr. Robert (Bob) Knupp


Shirley Martin

Finance Assistant

Sharon Patterson

Children's Center, Director

Susan Richards

Director of Congregational Care

Sherry Russum

Executive Administrator

Jenny Slack

Broadcast/Communications Coordinator

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Lee Smith

Building & Facilities Director

La Quita McCarty

Kitchen Manager
Ext. 468

April Vestal

Receptionist and Publication Assistant