Table Talk Questions for July 28 Worship:

1. How did you learn to pray?
2. On a scale of 1-10, (10 being close to Jesus), how would you rate your prayer life?
3. Growing up, what were your healthy/unhealthy constructs of God?
4. What is one way that you can be intentional this week to be in prayer/conversation with God?

Jam Today with Galloway!

Join us on Spotify by following our new account here
For each sermon series at Galloway, we will have a specific playlist that you can follow along and listen to! When you listen to a song, know that your pastors, staff and fellow church members are also listening! This is a great way for us to stay connected even by the music we are listening to in our cars to and from the office, while driving kids around to activities and even traveling across the country on vacation! What a fun way to worship with Galloway!

Next Sunday

Dare To Dream: What's Love Got To Do With It?
1 Corinthians 13
Rev. Dr. Raigan Miskelly, Senior Pastor

Galloway's going to the game!
Calling all of our youth, kids and parents!
Join us at Trustmark Park for a night of cheering on the Mississippi Braves!
Tickets are $18.
Where: Trustmark Park, Pearl, MS
When: Tuesday, July 30, 5:45 PM
Who: Galloway families & friends!
Don't wait, register TODAY to secure your tickets by July 26!

Greet with Us Sunday Mornings!

It’s Easy and Fun!
Greet and/or direct people to the restrooms, sanctuary or Sunday school.
Each volunteer slot is 20 mins.
Sign up with Susan Richards, 601-326-3447
Workdays begin Saturdays,  June 1 — July 27
(other days can be requested)

•Morning Shift: 7:45 AM – Noon
Afternoon Shift: 12:45 – 4 PM
All day Shifts: 10-12 Volunteers

Bible Readings

YEAR TWO—Week 39, Monday, July29
Proverbs 18
Galloway presents a plan to provide a meaningful way to read through the entire Bible in three years.
pg. 3 Worship & Ministry Opportunities
pg. 4 Senior Pastor Reflections
pg. 5 Welcome Dinner
- Catfish Dinner
pg. 6 Church on the Grounds
pg. 8 Mission & Outreach Ministry
  - Habitat Build
  - Methodist Children’s Home
pg. 9 Meet Rev. Brandon Halford
pg. 10 Lighthouse Kids
 - Sunday School Schedule
 - Children’s Choir
 - Kids Zone
pg. 11 - Blessing of the Backpacks
 - Promotion Sunday
 - 3rd Grade Bible Presentation
 - Summer of Service
pg. 12 Galloway March Calendar
pg. 14 Celebrating Vacation Bible School
Summer Choir
pg. 15 Student Ministry
 - Meet Rev. Katie Giedd
Fall Summit
pg. 16 Grace Place Ministry
  - Upcoming Events
  - Donations
 - Race for Grace Place
 - Celebrating Grace Place Gifts
pg. 18 Legacy Reflections
pg. 19 Health & Wellness Ministry
pg. 20 Congregational Care Ministry
- Prayer Line Volunteers
- Babies to Be
pg. 21 - Lamplighters
- Sunday Greeters
pg. 22 - GEMS
- Caring Cooks
- New Members
- Caregiving Group
pg. 23 - Prayer Concerns
- Grief Support Meeting
Questions or Concerns about Galloway UMC Weekly Happenings:
Please Contact, Caroline Temple Smith; ; 601.326.3450