Race for Grace Place is both a 5K and a Fun Run that supports Grace Place, a ministry at Galloway United Methodist Church in downtown Jackson, Mississippi. By participating in this fundraiser, you will help sustain Grace Place and the community it serves.
8:15-12:15a Nursery (ages 8wk-3yr, children’s wing)
8:30a - Sunday Morning Worship w/Communion
9:30a Sunday School all ages
9:40a Children’s Choir 
(P-K3-5th, Choir Room)
11:00a - Sunday Worship | Livestreamed | Broadcast Local TV

Unable to Worship in person?

Worship with us via Livestream Sundays at 11am
(Galloway's YouTube Channel and Facebook LIVE) 

We also Broadcast Live on WAPT Sundays at 11am.
GOOD NEWS! Our 11 am broadcast service can now be seen on MeTV when we are pre-empted on WAPT!
Step into the most sacred journey ever taken—the path Jesus walked to Calvary. Through the 12 Stations of the Cross, we will not only witness His suffering but also discover the depth of His love, the weight of His sacrifice, and the hope found in His victory.
Remember to set aside time for the upcoming Lenten Lunchtime Organ Recitals, occurring each Wednesday throughout the Lent season at Galloway United Methodist Church. These performances provide a fantastic mid-week chance to pause and immerse yourself in a serene and uplifting 30-minute musical experience.
On April 6, the student ministry will be hosting a Red Beans and Rice Plate Lunch fundraiser in support for our youth trip to Big Stuf Camp in PCB, FL in June and ski trip in December. Our Galloway church family is invited to purchase tickets for a plate lunch OR you can purchase a “no plate lunch” if you would like to donate to the youth ministry but cannot be present for lunch on April 6th.

Grace Place Donation Opportunities

This is a wonderful opportunity for fellowship to meet fellow guests, connect with new members, and learn more about who we are as Galloway.
MARCH FOCUS - MATURITY: how the Gospel of Jesus Christ grows in our lives and leads us to discipleship. You will discover the discipleship offerings of Galloway and how you can plug into the many growth opportunities available.

Check the latest on the
Soulful Parenting and Caregiving Website and Podcast!

Galloway presents a plan to provide a meaningful way to read through the entire Bible in three years.
Questions or Concerns about Galloway UMC Weekly Happenings:
Please Contact, Jenny Slack, JSlack@GallowayUMC.org; 601.326.3458.