Room 409 at 9:30 am

A diverse group of seekers operating in a discussion format with class members sharing leadership and Barbara & Barry Powell serving as coordinators, this class meets in room 409 at 9:30 am. Meetings are a fellowship with study, discussion and congenial debate about what it means to be a Christian in an increasingly complex world.
The class uses many sources - the Bible, other books, outside resource people and sharing of ideas - seeking the relevance of Christ’s message for the problems and challenges which confront individuals and society. This group is always of one spirit, though seldom of one mind. 

Room 217


Spiritual growth doesn't only happen in corporate worship, but often happens in less formal gatherings like small groups. The Faith and Family Sunday School class is a fellowship beyond Sunday morning made up of parents with children of all ages. For many of us just making it to church on Sunday morning is a feat. We are learning together what it means to be a Christian family and to share our joys and challenges in community. Class members and guest teachers lead studies and open discussions focusing on Biblical principles and/or the teachings of Christ in room 217.
 A variety of studies keeps things interesting and fun. This family of friends is a caring and nurturing group serving God and helping others. In addition to Sunday morning, we schedule times outside of the Sunday school hour for outreach and fellowship opportunities as a class. We strive to experience the purpose and power of Christ in our lives, dig deeper in our faith and grow closer to God. Even if you can’t make it on Sunday morning you can still be part of this group by sharing in our class emails, outreach projects and social gatherings.


Taught by Marcela Lopez in Spanish and English, this bilingual class is composed of Galloway members from Latin America and the U.S. Bible Study, along with instrumental music and singing is part of each class session. Meets in room 506 at 9:45 a.m. 


This class is designed as a Bible study for ages 40 and up. Comprised of both men and women, singles and couples. This group meets in room 409 at 9:30 a.m. under the capable leadership of Maudelle Martin. 


Led by various facilitators, the class enjoys using different curriculum to encourage discussion and interaction with scripture. This class is open to all and meets at 9:45 a.m. in Room 508. 


With the leadership of Donna Van Slyke, a fun loving and welcoming group of professional people, this class meets at 9:45 a.m. in room 403. This class is characterized by a spectrum of opinions as their studies encompass a wide variety of subjects in a participatory manner. A relaxed atmosphere in the classroom lends itself to fellowship events throughout the year. 


Enjoy Bible study, friendship and challenging faith questions? This is the class for you! In a lecture style of teaching, Tommie Cardin presents the lectionary Bible texts in ways that are fresh, informative, and life applicable. The class begins promptly at 9:30 a.m. in room 402, located near the elevator. 


A Bible-based study group, our Spiritual Formation Class meets at 9:30 a.m. in room 407. With the leadership of Shirley Brewer, the intimate class setting lends itself to those who want to get to know others personally and spend time growing together through the study and exploration of God’s Word. 


This class uses the lectionary as its starting point for discussion. Because these scriptures are the basis for the weekly sermons, it gives participants the opportunity to more closely encounter the scriptures. Led by John McKie and Clifford Ammons, Sr. the group engages the biblical text and struggles with its meaning for our lives as believers today. The class meets in room 509 at 9:45 a.m.  


Meeting in room 511 at 9:45 a.m. the Wesleyan class is comprised of people in their 50’s, and 60’s who enjoy studying the Bible through a myriad of methods. Because class leadership is shared among the members, this group enjoys stimulating and challenging discussion and dial