Galloway Student Ministry

At Galloway United Methodist Church, we want our students to know the depth of God’s love for them and for all people. We desire for our students to mature in their faith, as they grow. Through intentional study of the scriptures, fellowship, and service, we equip your students to be a disciple and make other disciples. 
Our youth group is a place where students can be known + loved. They are welcome to come as they are. We believe God will use this time to mold your student to be the son or daughter they have been created by God to be. 
All 6-12th graders are invited to join us for our various youth ministry events. If you’re looking for spiritual growth, fellowship and FUN, we have you covered! 
Please contact Rev. Katie Giedd with any questions you may have!

Youth Fellowship

For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” 
Matthew 18:20 
We have been commanded to fellowship with one another. We hold fast to Matthew 18:20, that where we are gathered in Christ’s name, God is. God is among us here at Galloway! 

Sunday School

Join us on Sunday mornings from 9:45-10:40 am for our weekly sunday school. We meet on the 5th floor of the church, in the youth suite.  
Community service section – can stay the same 

Community Service Projects

We are always trying to find new ways to reach out to the community and serve those around us. A few of our service projects include: The Bethlehem Center, Rise Against Hunger, Downtown Partners, Salvation Army and putting on an Easter Egg hunt for Children around the Jackson area.

For more information on our Youth Activities contact Rev. Katie Giedd,


Junior high students are invited to join Katie in the youth suite on Wednesday nights from 6-6:45 pm for midweek break! On Wednesdays, we play a game, study the Word, and pray for one another! We hope you’ll join us. Prior to that, we hope you’ll join us for Wednesday night supper at 5:15 pm. 
Senior high students are invited to join Katie on Sunday evenings from 5-7 pm for bible study, a meal, games and more!  


Confirmation is offered to children and youth in 5th and 6th grade who are ready to take the next step in their spiritual formation and become a member of the church. During confirmation, children learn about the history of the United Methodist Church, dive deeper in the scripture, and learn the meaning behind the sacraments, the Trinity, and the Wesley Quadrilateral.

Galloway College Ministry

For more information contact Student Ministries by calling 601-353-9691. 

The college ministries of Galloway UMC involve many members, many schools and their affiliate church related organizations all seeking to serve and be a part of one body, the body of Jesus Christ.  As the body of Christ, we seek to provide every college student connected to Galloway with a place to be nurtured spiritually and physically as we encourage their growth as disciples of Jesus Christ in this world.

We are connected to over 150 college and graduate students from 35 different schools including those attending colleges out-of-town whose home church is Galloway and those who are in the metro Jackson area.
We support Millsaps Wesley Connexion which meets in the Susannah Wesley Dorm on Tuesdays at 11:50 am for a meal and holy Communion.

We provide opportunities for students to engage in service both locally and internationally through Grace Place, Habitat for Humanity, Mississippi Blood Drives, Brown Elementary School, and Salt and Light Ministry in Honduras.